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leptoconnect an hour and that was I wanted to see how many calories I was eating okay so I use my fitness pal just to track what I was eating and for a couple months I did it and I was always hovering between a thousand and thirteen hundred calories so not a ton of calories but I realized it was plenty I was not hungry I was feeling fuel that is feeling energy and so it just helped to change my mindset of like I don't need 2,000 calories a day or whatever they say is the recommended amount and if you used to tell me that I would eat nine hundred or a thousand calories a day I would think that maybe there was something like wrong with my brain like I'm anorexic or something but I don't think there's anything

leptoconnect buy wrong with that if you feel good and you feel full and satisfied it really doesn't necessarily matter what your calorie intake is that's just my that's just me making that up I don't know I'm not a doctor like I told you and again I only eat two meals a day so between those two meals I'm you know eating 4 to 500 calories at each meal plus usually a 2 to 300 snack during the day and and that's what I'm doing okay last tip no diet foods and what I mean by that is don't replace your meals with a replacement part or replacement shape or pills or whatnot your body wants the food and wants the calories and wants the vitamins from the food source itself now not to say that you can't you can do whatever you

leptoconnect review want I'm not telling you what to do but this is your success story so god that's what the whole point here is moly sharing what has worked for her yeah and exactly she totally been successful for her totally I haven't had a protein shake since I stopped drinking on last October and I had been drinking them for a year and did nothing for me and so I really have found that my body just loves the food in its natural form and sometimes the natural form might be chips and salsa Justin welcome Willy like it's not like I'm just eating the whole food than just like right out of the ground

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